Life at MIT
MIT Campus
MIT's campus can be a little intimidating when you first arrive. Below is a map of the campus with some frequently used buildings highlighted.
To access the full interactive campus map, click here.
Popular Locations on Campus:
Student Services Center (SSC)
Located in Building 11-120 along the infinite corridor of 77 Massachusetts Ave., the SSC serves as a “mini registrar/bursar” for one stop shopping for standard student services. You can do most academic transactions and check your bursar account all in one location.
Student Financial Services
Provides financial aid and customer service to all MIT students.
The Registrar’s Office is located at Building 5 in suites 5-115 and 5-117.
Building 9-343 - Center for Real Estate Reception Area/Lobby
Building 9-354 - MIT Center for Real Estate lecture hall
Building 10 - 485, Design for Urban Development classroom
Rotch Library - Architecture and Planning Library (7-238)
Walker Memorial
Serves the MIT Community. It is home to many student group offices, the Graduate Student Council, the Black Students Union Lounge, the WMBR radio station, the Rainbow Lounge, the Climbing Wall, the Muddy Charles Pub, and a dance rehearsal room. Walker has Morss Hall, a large banquet facility with patios available to MIT groups for events. Walker Gym serves as an exam facility.
E51- Tang Center - Sloan School seminar rooms on third floor
E17 & E18 - The Atlas Service Center and the International Students Office, respectively
Course readers and duplication services.
W20 Student Center
Building 11
The Coop - Campus bookstore in Kendall Square. You can purchase books, calculators, supplies, clothing - just about anything a college student might need.