Quick Links
This page contains a short list of the most important and frequently referenced information on this website.
Detailed information can be found on other pages, but we've gathered some of the most pertinent links here.
Contact Information:
The Center's main phone number: (617) 253-5000
Mary Hughes (617) 253-8308; mchughes@mit.edu; Academic Administrator
Kelly Cameron (617) 258-7458; rkcam@mit.edu; Career Development Officer
Lacey Cochran (617) 324-6673; lacey@mit.edu; Academic + Communications Assistant
Joanne McHugh (617) 253-8311; lacey@mit.edu; Academic + Communications Assistant
Casey Eyring: (617) 715-4111; IT Manager. Please submit all technical support inquires to creit@mit.edu
Cheryl Gillespie, (617) 253-4373, Senior Finance Manager
Panita Rosenberg, Senior Administrative Assistant
Useful Links
Housing + Residential Services
Institute Discrimination + Harrassment Response Office (IDHR)
Office of Graduate Education (OGE)
School of Architecture + Planning
Fundamental to the academic work you do at MIT is an expectation that you will make choices that reflect integrity and responsible behavior.
Links to the Academic Calendar, Registration, Transcripts, Graduation/Diploma info, frequently accessed forms and more.
Links to Pre-Registration, Online Add/Drop Form, Degree Applications, Academic Record, Financial Record, MIT Card Services and more.
Links to class Canvas sites, which will list current assignments, syllabi, course materials, and course forums. CRE classes choose between Stellar and Canvas sites and they are maintained by faculty and staff/TAs.
All-inclusive guide to all things MIT. Academic Planning, Arts and Rec, Advising and Academic Support, Careers, Finances, Housing, Transportation, International Opportunities, Personal Support and Wellness, Professional Development, Public Service, Research, Safety and more.
Links to your Planning Guide, MIT Medical, MIT ID Card office, Campus and Off-Campus Housing and more.
Links to health information, health insurance, mental health, urgent care, doctors and more. Find information on Health Plans, Wellness and Exercise, and New Graduate Student Information
GAIN (Graduate Assistance and Information Network) is a resource for graduate students to better assist their student/life balance, including information about relocation, child care, legal, and financial information.
Atlas is an online gateway for MIT community members. For new grads, you will find a number of administrative tasks on your Atlas Dashboard. The New Grad Student Portal is a central location for all of your Institute-level tasks that must be completed before arrival.
It's said that most things at MIT are like "trying to drink from a firehose". This site helps you build your class schedule and determine quickly and easily whether there are any date/time conflicts present. This is a student-run site, and may not accurately reflect the most up-to-date information on the Registrar's website. While this site may be helpful in planning your schedule, always double-check your selections against the official schedule on the Registrar's site.